News & Stories

Stories on the arts across Duke, including news announcements, profiles on student and faculty artists, special features, and guest entries by Duke students.

From Grant to Growth: Duke Alums Reflect on their Benenson Award

For over 35 years, the Benenson Awards in the Arts has provided Duke undergraduates with funding to pursue summer arts training, research, or projects. But what happens after the grant? How does that experience shape an individual’s creative journey years down the line? We reached out to four Duke alums who received Benenson Awards to hear where they are today.

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Made at Duke:

Michelle Ling ’25: Maunakea and TMT

I received funding towards my honors thesis project, titled Maunakea and TMT: The Meeting Point of Scientific Exploration, Tourism, & U.S. Imperialism, that I am completing as part of my Program II (Environmental Humanities & Multimedia).