
Getting Started

Getting Started

January 22, 2025

Please join novelists JP Gritton and Mesha Maren for a workshop and lecture on the theme of GETTING STARTED. A collaboration with the Duke Writers Collective and the Department of English, these workshops bring writers from around the Triangle for 90-minute lectures on the craft.

Flash Fiction

Flash Fiction

October 2, 2024

We're focusing on micro and flash fiction (stories from 50-1000 words), which offer a great set of boundaries for new writers and constraints for experienced writers. This workshop is appropriate for any level of writer!

Q&A with Grace Li ’17, Netflix-Optioned Author of Portrait of a Thief

Author and Stanford medical student Grace Li ’17 shares insights on her debut novel Portrait of a Thief, which is currently in development to become a Netflix series, as well as advice for students hoping to pursue a career in creative writing. “I think the most important condition to being a writer is being an active participant in the world,” Li says.

Q&A with Deondra Rose (Duke Faculty & Author)

In this DukeJournos interview with Deondra Rose, a Duke Assistant Professor of Public Policy and Political Science and Author, we learn the power and importance of using writing to push the boundaries of knowledge and promote human advancement.

Q & A with Jacob Tobia (T ’14)

Jacob Tobia (T '14) is a writer, producer, and author of the forthcoming memoir, Sissy: A Coming-of-Gender Story. Read their interview with DukeJournos, the Duke alumni journalist network.