
Bridging the Gap Between Medicine and the Arts

Morgan Biele '23 shares a piece she wrote for Duke Medical Ethics Journal, an undergraduate-led publication that features students' voices in blogs and articles that center ethics in dialogue with medicine. “I’m extremely passionate about how art depicts health and well-being, and in turn how health and well-being inform art,” Biele shares.

Artists as Researchers: Dancing Through STEAM

Three Duke alumnae share how they split their time at Duke between rigorous science courses and a steadfast passion for dance. “When I got to college, it wasn’t really a question of whether or not I would continue to dance as I pursued a career in medicine,” Gabby Cooper '20 said. “It was how I could make both of them work.”

Spectral Seas: Tackling Climate Change Through Storytelling

A Bass Connections team has created an art installation on view in the lobby of the Rubenstein Arts Center. “This project is emblematic of the integrative and synthetic thinking that society needs to tackle the wicked challenges of climate change and sea level,” says Betsy Albright, assistant professor at the Nicholas School.

Sujal Manohar ’20: Reflections on Mental Health at Duke

Sujal Manohar is a senior neuroscience and visual arts double major whose senior Graduate with Distinction project in Visual Arts, Reflect: Mental Health Experiences at Duke, focuses on mental health experiences at Duke. She shares this work with us as part of our "Art and Artists are Essential" collection and invitation.

Pratt School of Engineering Call for Art

Pratt's New Building Art Committee is now in a phase of actively seeking to identify and purchase or commission works for the new building. Artists who might be a fit are invited to submit a brief survey by Dec 6, 2019.


Development of a tactile and responsive instrument for live performance by graduate students in Duke's Computational Media, Arts, and Culture program.

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