Duke Arts Impact Report, 2018–2019

Statement from Vincent E. Price, President of Duke University

President Price visits Nina Wheeler’s dance class in the Ruby (photo by Jared Lazarus).

The arts are an essential part of the Duke experience. We are proud to offer an inclusive creative community that welcomes everyone who calls our campus home—from lifelong student artists studying film or music with exceptional practitioners, to undergraduates exploring a new passion through one of our many campus arts groups, to the many neighbors who take part in programming by the Nasher Museum of Art, Duke Performances, or the Center for Documentary Studies.

Vice Provost for the Arts Scott Lindroth has been instrumental building this vibrant community. The launching this fall of Duke’s new MFA in Dance—in the stunning Rubenstein Arts Center—demonstrates just how far our arts programming has come under his leadership. As he prepares to return full-time to the Department of Music, and as Duke begins the search for his successor, I want to express my great gratitude for his vision and commitment.

I am very excited to build on this momentum in the years to come, informed and inspired by the strategic vision for Duke Arts that Professor Lindroth helped guide last spring. Thanks in large part to his leadership, we have so much to look forward to in the years to come.

Vincent E. Price
President, Duke University

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