Monday, March 25 thru Saturday, March 30, 2019
Black Atlantic is made possible, in part, with support from the National Endowment for the Arts and Duke Africa Initiative.
Last season, Duke Performances brought some of the most musically fabled regions of the world to Durham with Black Atlantic, a weeklong festival in downtown Durham celebrating the music of Africa and the African diaspora through the Americas. This season, Black Atlantic returns to Motorco (and adds one concert at Baldwin Auditorium) in search of further cultural connections, this time with artists from South Africa, Congo, Uganda, Mali / Ivory Coast / France, Mauritania, Cuba, Niger, New York, and Brazil. In addition to the evening performances, the festival will feature a keynote by Derek Gripper and free public discussions and demonstrations with Noura Mint Seymali and local Afro-Brazilian artist Caique Vidal.