
Wire Sculpture

Wire Sculpture

November 14, 2024

In this workshop you’ll learn the basics of wire sculpture, specifically aiming toward observing and forming plant sculptures.

Lantern Making

Lantern Making

October 28, 2024

Join visual teaching artist, Gowri Savoor, for a fun and unique workshop to learn how to make a magical star-shaped lantern using bamboo, paper, and LED lights.

A Fall From Grace

A Fall From Grace is a multimedia project by Zaire McPhearson, MFA EDA '20, that tells the story of single Black women and their children involved in a cult from the mid-1970s through the early 2000s.

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The Rubix

The Rubix is a temporary experimental structure created for visual and installation art research. Faculty in the Department of Art, Art History and Visual Studies are exploring the question: What is public art and how is it made? Future projects in and on this structure will attempt to answer this question.

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Layers of Dreamscapes

Layers of Dreamscapes reimagines how we can be immersed in a piece of art by adding a new physical dimension to one of the most popular and oldest subjects of paintings: the landscape.

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Social Practice Lab

The Franklin Humanities Institute's Social Practice Lab is supporting Create, Innovate, Act!, a Spring 2018 course taught in the Ruby by Pedro Lasch.

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"Cornered" is an art installation using video projections to express the hopes and hardships of African migrants.

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Biscuit Station

Bill Thelen's installation for the Ruby's grand opening will expand—quite literally!—on his memento of the Biscuit King, an old Durham landmark.

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