Event Archives

The Marian Consort

The Marian Consort

“Daring and vivid”

The Guardian

Across their fifteen years together, the Marian Consort has amassed an international reputation for their “astounding” performances and ensemble sound. (The Herald) This fall, the youthful choir brings its innovative performance of medieval and renaissance music to Durham for their Duke Arts debut. Under the direction of Scottish conductor, countertenor and musicologist Rory McCleery, the Marian Consort has released fourteen albums and premiered thirty new compositions, receiving praise for the “precision and pellucid texture” of their sound. (The Times)

Their program, featuring the works of the 16th-century Portuguese musician and theorist Vicente Lusitano, illumines the work of this musical master who was probably the first published composer of African descent. Drawing from their award-winning 2023 album, Vicente Lusitano: Motets, the Marian Consort contrasts Lusitano’s work with those of his European colleagues and sometime-enemies, showing this once-neglected composer is worthy of such a modern revival.

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Vicente Lusitan: Heu me, Domine
Ghiselin Danckert: Laetamini in Domino
Vicente Lusitano: Regina caeli
Nicola Vicentino: Heu mihi Domine
Dom Pedro de Cristo: Magnificat 8
Vicente Lusitano: Sancta Maria
Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina: Regina caeli a8
Tomas Luis de Victoria: Ave Maria a8
Vicente Lusitano: Aspice Domine
Dom Pedro de Cristo: Miserere mihi Domine
Vicente Lusitano: Sancta mater
João Lourenço Rebelo: Panis angelicus
Vicente Lusitano: Inviolata a8

The Marian Consort
  • Sun, Feb 18, 2024 at 4:00pm

Duke Chapel
401 Chapel Drive
Durham, NC 27708


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