Event Archives


7–9 PM

An open dancefloor for rewilding thought and movement

Meshroom is a performance environment that forms an intellectual/intentional community around an open dancefloor. It is a space for transcending narrow languages, ungrounding from fixed realities, and co-creating temporary worlds in movement. Meshroom is shaped by the movement, dreams, hopes and queerness of everyone in the room: it is a weaving of wild minds and soft bodies. All visitors are welcome to move, rest, witness, think, melt and dance with live music and occasional performances.

This event is free and open to all. Drop-in and drop-out. Bring a friend.


Movement artists: Julia Piper, Leah Esemuede, Londs Reuter, Majesty Royale-Jackson
Live electro-acoustic music: Ethan Foote, Michael Grigoni, Quran Karriem, West Oxking
Mixed media artists: Kelsey Brod, John Felix Arnold III, Taari Felice
Co-facilitator: Marika Niko and Sang Chi Liu

Curated by Marika Niko
Music curated by Michael Grigoni
Co-founded by Leo Ryan and Marika Niko

Meshroom premiered at The Ark in Duke University on March 3, 2022. Meshroom was originally developed at the Laboratory for Social Choreography, Kenan Institute of Ethics, in collaboration with Bass Connections: Performing Embodied Communities.

  • Thu, Nov 30, 2023 at 7:00pm
The Fruit

305 South Dillard Street
Durham, NC 27701

Venue Details