Kamara Thomas

Kamara Thomas is a songspeller, multidisciplinary storyteller and ritualist based in Durham, NC. She uses her musical “storyworks” as containers for community-based artmaking in pursuit of surprising and disruptive storytelling forms and the re/invention of collective mythologies and symbols. Kamara is a recent Princeton Arts Fellow, and while at Princeton she presented the first iteration of her storywork Xulgaria and presented iterations of Tularosa: An American Dreamtime, which received a 2022 MAP grant and has been featured at Santa Fe Art Institute and Boulder Museum of History. Filmed iterations of the Tularosa storywork include The Death of Nebuchadnezzar, which was shot in the White Sands Desert of New Mexico, and Good Luck America, which documented an agitprop theatre performance activating public spaces throughout downtown Durham. Kamara also spearheads Country Soul Songbook, a curation and production team rooted in the mission to amplify BIPOC and LGBTQIA+ voices in country and American roots music. 

A black and white blurry photo of women with curly hair in two short braids