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Lana Garland: “A Balm for the Soul”

Published By Duke Arts / published on: April 20, 2020

Lana Garland is a writer, filmmaker, photographer, instructor who shares photographs, writing, and her thoughts on the role of art during this time as part of our "Art and Artists are Essential" collection and invitation.

Part of our “Art and Artists are Essential” collection and invitation.

Lana Garland is a writer, filmmaker, photographer, instructor who shared that during this time, “I needed to make sense of all that is going on, so I decided to both write and shoot.” She has shared the resulting works with us as both photographs and an essay she penned, which you can read here: “Harriet in the Time of Coronavirus.”

She also offered the following advice about art’s role during this time: “Keep making art. It’s a useful way of making sense out of the nonsensical. It is a balm for the soul.”

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