They may be a prime example of an underrated band, but Spider Bags still get their fair share of love. Titus Andronicus’ Patrick Stickles has touted the North Carolina garage-rock group as one of his favorite bands to anyone who’s listening. Press coverage has been flattering as well, PopMatters rated Spider Bags’ most recent album, Shake My Head, as the top “overlooked” album of 2012, writing that it was “the most unpredictable, rollicking, and purely brilliant rock release of 2012.” Spider Bags — featuring Dan McGee, guitar and vocals; Steve Oliva, bass; and Rock Forbes, drums — have signed to Merge Records for their forthcoming album, slated for release in fall 2014.
**Music in the Gardens presentations are excluded from Pick-4 & Age-30-&-Under discounts.**
Duke Performances’ Music in the Gardens is made possible, in part, with support from Duke Continuing Studies, Duke Summer Session, the Sarah P. Duke Gardens & Merge Records.