Event Archives

Music in the Gardens: Bedouine

Drawing on as well as contributing to a rich folk music tradition, Azniv Korkejian brings a diasporic knowingness to the rich and rewarding songs recorded under her Bedouine moniker. Though born in Syria and largely raised in Saudi Arabia, her family lived in Boston and Houston before she went out on her own to Los Angeles, where she currently resides and works as a music and dialogue editor for film and television projects. The Fader called her eponymous 2017 full-length for the Richmond, Virginia-based Spacebomb label “a remarkably cohesive collection of ten gripping and intimate folk songs.” At Sarah P. Duke Gardens, she performs material from that critically-acclaimed album as well as its alluring follow-up Bird Songs of a Killjoy.

  • $10General
  • $5Duke Students & Employees
  • $0Ages 12 & Under
  • Wed, Jun 26, 2019 at 7:00pm
Sarah P. Duke Gardens

420 Anderson Street
Durham, NC 27708

Venue Details